Monday, April 27, 2020

What’s new about links, content marketing, and search engine optimization?

content marketing 2020

Content marketing and search engine optimization can never be completely separated. However, they are still distinguished in various fundamental aspects and thus requirements for a completely successful run. In the first place, the concept of content marketing is more holistic and broad, while the general meanings of SEO are largely more technical and widely recognized than more accurate and close studies.

Let's see how content marketing and search engine optimization could converge in real life:

  •          The most important techniques of SEO can be applied in a broader way. That way, even more technical and specific SEO efforts can be channeled around holistic content marketing and these efforts can be traced and monitor by making complete website SEO audit report by professional digital marketing experts.
  •    At the same time, the overall success of content marketing strategy can only be adequately ensured with the general technical means of SEO.
content marketing with SEO

Let’s try to put the close relationship between content marketing and search engine optimization in a slightly different way, and it will be easier than I suppose. For example, let's look at how SEO demands are being fulfilled by content marketing. On the other hand, however, content marketing is actualizing the technical requirements of SEO and search engine optimization usually most of them.
Currently, there is a somewhat debatable issue of great importance for both content marketing and search engine optimization. In fact, recently updated Google's search algorithm now rolls various penalties to get rid of the aggressive pop-ups and interstitials.In this way, Google does its best to protect a healthy, mobile-friendly user experience. In addition, as far as five months in advance, the world's search giant has put a reasonable notice on this "clearing" campaign. No doubt, there will be even more algorithm updates every year. Therefore, it is advisable to adapt your overall content marketing and search engine optimization to the current reality of 2020.
So what’s the most important thing to remember, at least, at least to avoid fines? Now, the crux of the discussion is regularly seen on new link building requirements pending the latest Google algorithm update. Let's see what's new about links we have today. Usually, the most important aspects that Google pays the most accurate attention to are quality content and links themselves. Considering links, there was a new way to manage SEO without links. This absurd opinion has become widely popular, which is more surprising - even in professional SEO community. I think some people are foolish enough to suggest that links lose their power to become no longer important. Just take it for granted - that advice is not only wrong, but even too dangerous.
link bulding SEO

Keep in mind that link building has always been the core element of optimization strategy used by any competent SEO agency. Here are some real bullet points about links and search engine optimization. Just look through the most important quality links suggestions in 2017 and feel safe:
  •          The total amount of external links matters - the more of them you have, the better.
  •          Links, including SEO-targeted anchor text, should now remain relevant with their target website.

Quality is now emphasized for even more - never get links from any unknown blogs, rather than from the academic journals, news websites or any other sources with just reliable and robust authority.

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