Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to manage Seo and web development in the best way?

seo and website develoment

When your website online promotion focuses more on organic traffic than locomotives, consider the following brief discussion. I believe that every online promotion campaign should always be on the right Web and SEO development, both close at hand. Let's face it - Search Engine Optimization is more about keyword research, backed by a proper content marketing strategy. But there are still too many technical aspects that often come behind the scene. But especially the technical issues are determining each web page's ranking in the SERPs list. I mean, when doing your SEO, you should always consider the correct coding process for each webpage of yours, from the beginning.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Welcome to indexing

search engine optmization-SEO

The first thing to do for both SEO and webpage development is to make sure every section of your website is at least accessible for indexing, I mean nothing to block the crawlers from reading every bit of your content data "not. This way, I recommend using the Fetch command in the Crawl section of Google Search Console to monitor the initial appearance of your website from the point of view of the search engines. There is only one core suggestion here - try To keep everything in HTML format, simply avoid Flash or Silverlight for your web pages. If everything looks right, and your website is at least indexable, you'll see some brief tips for a better user experience, as well as a possible higher ranking assigned by the search engines.

Clean URLs

website urls

Your web page URLs are the core elements of the web, both in terms of SEO and Web development and for better user experience. Make your URLs as easy as possible to be "understood" by the search bots as well as read by real users. Get rid of any unnecessary URL data that may be confusing to Google itself or to people who visit your web pages. On the one hand, if you have no optimization for your URLs, people will be less likely to click, not share. At the same time, the search engines may appear to experience certain problems when they understand its relevance to a particular query.

Website Development

website development along SEO

If you receive a proper website and SEO development, you will get URLs optimized by the following parameters:

Page URL should be as short and informative as possible. I recommend embedding your URLs with just the right and relevant keywords or phrases, which are ideally matched to your website topic.
Never exceed your URLs with the keywords, keep the indexing path as clear as possible. If you do, remember to exclude the stop words at all costs (such as the most common: "the," "from," "on," "a," etc.)
Always use hyphens to separate the wording sequence in your URLs. Forget about underlining, as the search engines hardly recognize them. Of course, this brings with it some major potential issues for crawling and crawling.
Maintain the correct keyword order by placing your key keywords closer to the beginning of each URL. Remember that the search engines, by their logic, place greater emphasis on those who will be prospective starter keywords.
By the way, there's another reason for you to keep your URLs as short as possible, me. e. , maintain and increase the overall weight of your keywords in URLs. At the same time, of course, you have to rearrange URLs, as if they were only mere pieces of your content writing. Doing so will minimize any spam or low quality content issues.

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